Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Banana Wontons

One of my favorite desserts... Banana Wontons! My sister worked at a restaurant that served these. One day we were at home and thought we would try to make them. They turned out really good. They are time consuming and they are best served right away. If you can't serve them right away, I recommend baking them in the oven to reheat them. They won't be as crispy as straight out of the fryer, but they will be better than the microwave.

You will need:

1 package of wonton wrappers (these are usually found in the tofu section of your grocery store)
5 bananas
Cinnamon and sugar mixed together
Fryer or skillet with oil

Mush up your bananas in a bowl. Lay out one wonton wrapper and put a half spoonful of mushed up banana in the center of it. Wet the edges of the wrapper with water and fold over. Seal around the edges. You will end up with a rectangle. Repeat until you get desired amount. This recipe should do one package of wontons (48-50 total). Fry wontons in oil until golden brown. I usually remove them and put them on a wire rack to dry. I place a plate underneath the rack to catch the oil. Then I sprinkle with cinnamon/sugar mixture. Serve warm with ice cream and either caramel or chocolate syrup. Enjoy!!!

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